It is a gentle and soothing fruit that is loaded with available vitality

The berry has also been used in a number of recent clinical trials for treatment of bone marrow deficiency conditions (low production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets). The Goji fruit contains polysaccharides, which have been demonstrated to strongly fortify the immune system. Goji Juice contains 8 kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen), of which 8 are indispensable amino acids for the human body (such as isoleucine and tryptophan). Goji Juice is loaded with vitamin B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. In the treatment of diabetes. This same polysaccharide has been found to be a secretagogue, that is, a substance that stimulates the secretion in the pituitary gland of human growth hormone (HGH), a powerful innate anti-aging hormone. It is the richest source of carotenoids, including beta carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth! Goji is a powerful antioxidant and is traditionally believed to fortify the body against disease and to provide the energy to overcome difficult obstacles in healing.

The daily dosage range of 8-30 grams is typical Astaxanthin Manufacturers of medical applications being done at this time in several countries. 67% of the patients ? T cell transformation functions tripled and the activity of the patients? white cell interleukin-2 doubled. 50% of the each Goji berry?s amino acids are free amino acids.The Mongolian Institute of Traditional Medicine reported that Goji has been used in the treatment of atrophic gastritis, weakened digestion due to reduced stomach activity.The Goji Berry (Lycium Barbarum):The goji berry has been used in traditional Tibetan medicine for centuries! The plants grow like bushes with vines that reach over 15 feet. Besides being loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants it is these 4 unique Polysaccharides found in NO OTHER PLANT ON EARTH that give Goji its anti-aging ability.Anti-Aging Goji JuicePosted by nick_niesen on October 26th, 2010The Fountain of Youth had just been discovered. Beta-carotene can be transformed into vitamin A under the influence of human liver enzymes. Imagine, you being healthy and alive, growing old in years, but amazingly looking young and fit. In addition, the results revealed that all the patients? spirit and optimism increased significantly, appetite improved in 95% of the patients, 95% of the patients slept better and 35% of the patients partially recovered their sexual function.

They also dined on fresh vegetables, fruits and consumed a minimal amount of animal fats.Goji berry juice can be used in smoothies or juice cocktails.The longest living people on earth consumed Goji in soups, drinks and berries everyday of their lives and they live well over 100 years old and not in a debilitating way but active and vital lives.The Tibetan Goji berry and its juice contain 4 very unique Polysaccharides which are known to be Anti-aging. Goji is now being used in clinical settings for a number of common maladies including the treatment of consumptive disease accompanied by thirst such as early-onset diabetes and tuberculosis, dizziness, blurred vision, and chronic cough. Goji Juice contain 21 trace minerals, (of which the main ones are zinc, iron and copper) and 500 times the amount of vitamin C by weight than oranges. These people had no processed refined chemical foods or fast foods in their diets, living in some of the harshest and remote areas on earth.The Goji berry is among the most revered of sexual tonic herbs in Asian Herbalist Forums and has been recognized to increase sexual fluids and enhance fertility. Mature fruits contain about 11 mg.In several study groups with elderly people Goji was given once a day for 3 weeks, with many beneficial results being experienced. It is a gentle and soothing fruit that is loaded with available vitality..

of iron per 100 grams, as well as glucose, fructose, vitamin C, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin), and betaine (0. Being rich in trace minerals, Goji Juice contains significant amounts of zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium and phosphorus, plus small quantities of many others. They are shaken onto mats, then dried in the shade.Known to rejuvenate and restore youthful vitality and strengthen healthThe famed Li Qing Yuen, who apparently lived to the age of 252 years (1678-1930), consumed Goji berries daily, a most well-documented case of extreme longevity known. The Goji berry has absolutely no toxicity.1%). Patients consumed 10 grams of the whole fruits each time, three times daily before meals for two months and longer with excellent results. In Mongolia it is commonly used by first trimester mothers to prevent morning sickness. 8-10 grams of fruit was steamed and eaten each time, three times daily (steaming softens the fruits). The berries are never touched by hand as they will oxidize and turn black if touched while fresh. However like most fruits, it should not be used if you are suffering from Spleen deficiency with dampness and diarrhea